HUMAN HERPESVIRUS-6 MENINGOENCEPHALITIS AND PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS IN HIV PATIENT: A CASE REPORT: Meningoensefalitis Human Herpesvirus-6 dan Tuberkulosis Paru pada Pasien HIV: Laporan Kasus

ABSTRACT Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), the causative agent of exanthema subitum in childhood, could also induce meningoencephalitis in immunocompromised individuals. We reported a case of 32-years-old woman with complaints of worsen headache, one week before admission. She also had intermittent fever...

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Main Authors: Prabaningtyas, Hanindia Riani, Putra, Stefanus Erdana, Hafizhan, Muhammad, Mirawati, Diah Kurnia, Budianto, Pepi
Format: UMS Journal (OJS)
Published: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta 2023
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Summary:ABSTRACT Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), the causative agent of exanthema subitum in childhood, could also induce meningoencephalitis in immunocompromised individuals. We reported a case of 32-years-old woman with complaints of worsen headache, one week before admission. She also had intermittent fever and weakness in her left limb. She was admitted to a local hospital, suspected with tuberculous meningitis and pulmonary tuberculosis, and treated with anti-tuberculosis drugs, antibiotics for bacterial meningitis and steroids. She did not show any improvement, and then referred to X Surakarta General Hospital. On physical examination, we found GCS of E3V3M5, crackles and wheezing throughout the lung, neck stiffness, left hemiparesis, and clonus of the left lower leg. Laboratory results showed increasing leukocytes, reactive anti-HIV, and positive PCR for HHV-6 in the cerebrospinal fluid. On the CT scan, there were multiple hypodense lesions in the pons and right internal capsule, and communicant hydrocephalus. She was treated with highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART), Valganciclovir 900 mg b.i.d., steroid, anti-tuberculosis drugs and symptomatic treatment. After three weeks of admission, she began to show improvement, level of consciousness increased, and allowed went home. ABSTRAK Human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6), agen penyebab eksantema subitum pada masa kanak-kanak, juga dapat menyebabkan meningoensefalitis pada individu dengan gangguan sistem imun. Kami melaporkan sebuah kasus, seorang wanita berusia 32 tahun dengan keluhan nyeri kepala yang semakin memberat sejak satu minggu sebelum masuk rumah sakit. Selain itu, pasien juga mengeluh demam intermiten dan kelemahan pada tungkai kiri. Pasien dirawat di rumah sakit lokal dengan diagnosis suspek meningitis tuberkulosis dan tuberkulosis paru dan ditatalaksana dengan obat anti tuberkulosis, antibiotik untuk meningitis bakteri dan steroid. Karena tidak ada perbaikan, pasien dirujuk ke RS X Surakarta. Pada pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan GCS E3V3M5, ronki dan mengi di seluruh lapang paru, kaku kuduk, hemiparesis kiri, dan klonus tungkai bawah kiri. Hasil laboratorium menunjukkan peningkatan leukosit, anti-HIV reaktif, dan PCR HHV-6 positif pada cairan serebrospinal. Pada CT-scan ditemukan lesi hipodens multipel pada pons dan capsula interna kanan serta hidrosefalus komunikan. Pasien ditatalaksana dengan highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART), Valgansiklovir 900mg/12 jam, steroid, obat anti tuberkulosis dan pengobatan simtomatik. Setelah perawatan selama tiga minggu, pasien mulai menunjukkan perbaikan, tingkat kesadaran meningkat, dan diperbolehkan pulang.